Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Just stop it" - one of the better memes.

When it comes to ideas that address such issues as Peak Oil and Global Climate Change, it's often not so much about a few individuals coming up with profound ideas as it is about filtering memes. For those who don't know what a meme is, it's simply an idea or saying that propagates and multiplies in a similar way that a life form does. In fact there is a series that examines how memes propagate. But I digress.

I would like to concentrate on one particular meme that I suspect could be a solution to many of the social ills which manifest themselves during times of stress. I could not have had a better introduction to the concept than was expressed by Linda Easley of the blog site "The conflicted doomer".

"There are times when I look around at what’s going on in the world and feel certain that aliens have invaded us, sucked out the brains of much of the world’s religious population and replaced it with grape jelly or something while I was out working in the garden."

In spite of many individuals apparently undergoing this transformation as we experience the transformation of traditional industrial civilization, there is hope. One of the solutions to address the temporary stupidity afflicting some individuals, especially during elections, is the "Just stop it" meme. Hopefully, that meme will gain in popularity just as the various resource and environmental depletion memes have done.